'Mourners being conducted to seats' (Unknown sitters) Greetings Card
'Mourners being conducted to seats' (Unknown sitters) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Move Off!' (Henry ('Harry') Goodchild; Sir Edmund Yeamans Walcott Henderson) Greetings Card
'Move Off!' (Henry ('Harry') Goodchild; Sir Edmund Yeamans Walcott Henderson) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr & Mrs Kennerley Rumford & Family' Greetings Card
'Mr & Mrs Kennerley Rumford & Family' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Angelo as Mrs Cole' Greetings Card
'Mr Angelo as Mrs Cole' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Burke's pair of spectacles for short-sighted politicians' Greetings Card
'Mr Burke's pair of spectacles for short-sighted politicians' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr C Kemble as Charles Surface' (Charles Kemble) Greetings Card
'Mr C Kemble as Charles Surface' (Charles Kemble) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Everard imprison'd in the Tower' (Edmund Everard) Greetings Card
'Mr Everard imprison'd in the Tower' (Edmund Everard) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Henniker Heaton's Luncheon Party to meet Sir John Pilter' Greetings Card
'Mr Henniker Heaton's Luncheon Party to meet Sir John Pilter' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Henniker Heaton's Party' Greetings Card
'Mr Henniker Heaton's Party' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Jeninso examin'd by ye Privy Councell' (Robert Jenison) Greetings Card
'Mr Jeninso examin'd by ye Privy Councell' (Robert Jenison) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Langhorn delivering out Comissions for Severall Offic.rs' (Richard Langhorne) Greetings Card
'Mr Langhorn delivering out Comissions for Severall Offic.rs' (Richard Langhorne) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Mathews In His 'At Home' of 1821' (Charles Mathews) Greetings Card
'Mr Mathews In His 'At Home' of 1821' (Charles Mathews) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Onion: 'Cockles and Winkles'' (Unknown man) Greetings Card
'Mr Onion: 'Cockles and Winkles'' (Unknown man) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Shuter, Mr Quick and Mrs Green in the characters of Hardcastle' Greetings Card
'Mr Shuter, Mr Quick and Mrs Green in the characters of Hardcastle' Greetings Card
'Mr Shuter, Mr Quick and Mrs Green in the characters of Hardcastle' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr Shuter, Mr Quick and Mrs Green in the characters of Hardcastle' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mr William Farren as Sir Peter Teazle' (William Farren) Greetings Card
'Mr William Farren as Sir Peter Teazle' (William Farren) Portrait Print
From £6.00