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Gifts For History Lovers

Discover our collection of gifts for history lovers, featuring Kings & Queens and famous historical figures.

Top view of a gold band ring with large blue crystal in the centre.
The chunky oval ring is formed of a medium sized...

Oval Chunky Ring, Dark Blue


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A gold band ring with a large clear crystal in the centre.
The chunky oval ring is formed of a medium sized...

Oval Chunky Ring, Clear


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Queen's corgi ceramic egg cup.
A handmade Corgi egg cup by Katch Skinner Eggs-clusive to...

Queen's Corgi Egg Cup


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A handmade fabric sewn decoration featuring a corgi dog wearing a crown.
A handmade and ethically sourced hanging decoration featuring our late...

The Queen's Corgi Decoration


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Dark Grey Emmeline Pankhurst addressing a crowd in Trafalgar Square Unisex t-shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring Emmeline Pankhurst addressing a crowd...

Emmeline Pankhurst addressing a crowd in Trafalgar Square Unisex t-shirt


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White 'Surveillance Photograph of Militant Suffragettes' Unisex T-Shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring surveillance photographs of Militant Suffragettes. ...

'Surveillance Photograph of Militant Suffragettes' Unisex T-Shirt


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Rust Emmeline Pankhurst Unisex T-Shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring Emmeline Pankhurst.  Leader of the...

Emmeline Pankhurst Unisex T-Shirt


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Athletic Grey Tallulah Bankhead Unisex T-Shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring Tallulah Bankhead. Born in Huntsville,...

Tallulah Bankhead Unisex T-Shirt


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Navy Blue Radclyffe Hall by Howard Coster Unisex T-Shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring Radclyffe Hall. Hall's semi-autobiographical novel...

Radclyffe Hall by Howard Coster Unisex T-Shirt


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Work In Progress Bookmark with Ada Lovelace
This bookmark features a section from a panel of the...

Work In Progress Bookmark with Ada Lovelace


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Work In Progress Bookmark with Kate Bush
This bookmark features a section of the artwork Work in...

Work In Progress Bookmark with Kate Bush


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Moss Green Christabel Pankhurst Unisex t-shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring Christabel Pankhurst. A leading Suffragette,...

Christabel Pankhurst Unisex t-shirt


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White 'Surveillance Photograph of Militant Suffragettes' NPG x132847 unisex t-shirt
Organic cotton unisex t-shirt featuring Surveillance Photograph of Militant Suffragettes....

'Surveillance Photograph of Militant Suffragettes' NPG x132847 unisex t-shirt


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Queen Elizabeth II ceramic egg cup.
Eggs-clusive to the National Portrait Gallery A handmade...

Queen Egg Cup


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Queen Elizabeth I ceramic egg cup
A handmade egg cup by Katch Skinner, inspired by Queen...

Queenie Egg Cup


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