'Gavan informs the Fathers of the affairs in Staffordshire' (John Gavan) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'General Blackbeard wounded at the battle of Leadenhall' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'General Booth in the Ruins of Martha and Mary's House at Bethany' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'General Count Clairfayt' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'General Lee taken prisoner' (Charles Lee) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'General Lindsay and his grandchildren' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'General Palmer camping out' (William Jackson Palmer with others) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Gentleman seen in the train - Charing Cross to Gloucester Road' (Unknown man) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'German luxury, - or - repos a l'allemande' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Germans eating sour-krout' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Ghost of Sir Desmond Murgatroyd in Ruddigore 1887' (Unknown singer) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Ghost of Sir Rupert Murgatroyd in Ruddigore 1887' (Unknown singer) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Ghosts of Bob and Kyrle' (Bob Gathorne-Hardy; Kyrle Leng) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Girl and Cat' (Gloria Warren) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Girl buying flowers for Mother's Day' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Girl of Granada' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Give us this day our daily bread' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Glamis Castle' (19 Unknown sitters) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Glen and Lionel' (Lionel Gomm (né Lionel Harry Weedon Collinson)) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Gloria Mundi, or - the Devil addressing the sun' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'God Save Our King and Queen' (King George V; Queen Mary) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Going to London, through "Epping Forest"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Gondomar apearing in the likeness of Matchiavell in a Spanish Parliament' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Government House - Chatham' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Grace, fashion, and manners. From the life' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Grand Toilette de matin - Morning Concert Dress', May 1840 Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Grandpapa's study, laboratory through the door' (the house of Sir John Herschel) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group from "Hypatia"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group from "La Statue du Commandeur"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group from "Lady Windermere's Fan"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group from the "The Middleman"' (Edward Smith Willard; Annie Hughes; E.W. Garden) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group of Church Representatives (Visitors to Germany and Friends)' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group of Royal Family' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Group of the Royal Family of Europe Now at War. A Family Quarrel' Portrait Print
From £6.00