'Luncheon Party on the terrace of the House of Commons' Greetings Card
'Luncheon Party on the terrace of the House of Commons' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Luncheon party to French and English Aviators' Greetings Card
'Luncheon party to French and English Aviators' Portrait Print
From £6.00
Carte de vœux « Déjeuner, Chambre des communes »
'Luncheon Party, House of Commons' Greetings Card
'Luncheon Party, House of Commons' Portrait Print
From £6.00
Impression de portrait « Déjeuner, Chambre des communes »
From £6.00
'Lytton agrees and admires' (Lytton Strachey; W.B. Yeats) Greetings Card
'Lytton agrees and admires' (Lytton Strachey; W.B. Yeats) Greetings Card
'Lytton agrees and admires' (Lytton Strachey; W.B. Yeats) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Lytton agrees and admires' (Lytton Strachey; W.B. Yeats) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'M l'Abbé on Train from St Denis' (Unknown sitter) Greetings Card
'M l'Abbé on Train from St Denis' (Unknown sitter) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'M. Hughes Seymer's children' (Unknown sitters) Greetings Card
'M. Portrait imprimé des enfants de Hughes Seymer (sitters inconnus)
From £6.00
'M. Villiers (à cheval)' (probably Hon. Mrs Villiers) Greetings Card
'M. Villiers (à cheval)' (probably Hon. Mrs Villiers) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Madame Clara Butt and babies' Greetings Card
'Madame Clara Butt and babies' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Madame Goldschmidt (Jenny Lind) at Exeter-Hall', in Mendelssohn's 'Elijah' Greetings Card
'Madame Goldschmidt (Jenny Lind) at Exeter-Hall', in Mendelssohn's 'Elijah' Portrait Print
From £6.00
« Madame Hnl et le jeune lionceau » (Charles James Fox ; Anna Heinel) Carte de vœux
« Madame Hnl et le jeune ourson » (Charles James Fox ; Anna Heinel) Portrait imprimé
From £6.00
'Madame Ronzi de Begnis as Fatima' Greetings Card
'Madame Ronzi de Begnis comme Fatima' Portrait Print
From £6.00
Impression de portrait « Madonna dolorata »
From £6.00
"Reproduction agrandie du portrait de Miss Clay par ordre de Henry Cooke Esq" Carte de vœux
'Reproduction agrandie du portrait de Miss Clay par ordre de Henry Cooke Esq' Portrait Print
From £6.00
« Rendre décent ; - c'est à dire - Les Broad-Bottomites enfilent le grand costume' Carte de vœux
'Making-decent; - i.e. - Broad-Bottomites getting into the grand costume' Portrait Print
From £6.00
"Malagrida et les conspirateurs, consultant le fantôme d'Oliver Cromwell" Carte de vœux
'Malagrida and conspirators, consulting the ghost of Oliver Cromwell' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Malagrida, driving post' Greetings Card
'Malagrida, driving post' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'Mangling done here' (unknown politician and unknown women) Greetings Card