Émilienne d’Alençon Portrait Print
From £6.00
' - "Tout Bond-Street tremblait alors qu'il marchait à grands pas" - ' Carte de vœux
' - "All Bond-Street trembled as he strode" - ' Portrait Print
From £6.00
' - "Et voudrais-tu me retourner le vil reproche?"' Carte de vœux
' - "And would'st thou turn the vile reproach on me?"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
' - "Regardez seulement Madame le Général !" - ' Carte de voeux
' - "Only look at the General madam!" - ' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"- Un peu de musique" - ou - les délices de l'harmonie' Carte de vœux
'" - A little music" - or - the delights of harmony' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'" - Gentle manners, with affections mild, in wit a man, simplicity a child"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"- Gentle manners, with affections mild, in wit a man, simplicity a child"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"A Run of Luck," at Drury Lane Theatre, 1886' Greetings Card
'"A Run of Luck," at Drury Lane Theatre, 1886' Greetings Card
'"A Run of Luck," at Drury Lane Theatre, 1886' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"A Run of Luck," at Drury Lane Theatre, 1886' Portrait Print
From £6.00
« « L'histoire d'une baignoire » et la morale de la queue ! » Carte de voeux
'"A Tale of a Tub" and the Moral of the Tail!' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Boy Scouts" on the Terrace of the House of Commons' (32 unknown sitters) Greetings Card
'"Boy Scouts" on the Terrace of the House of Commons' (32 unknown sitters) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Castle Howard", Kotandy [?], Delhi' Greetings Card
'"Castle Howard", Kotandy [?], Delhi' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Nourrir le Grand Boa." (requête "un grand ennui")' Carte de vœux
'"Feeding the Great Boa." (query "a great bore")' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Following the Leader." A new political Game.' Greetings Card
'"Following the Leader." A new political Game.' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Hooky Alf", of Whitechapel' Greetings Card
'"L'Infanterie Francaise en Egypte." - le Genéral l'Asne converted to Ibrahim Bey' Greetings Card
'"L'Infanterie Francaise en Egypte." - le Genéral l'Asne converted to Ibrahim Bey' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"L'insurrection de l'Institut Amphibie." - the pursuit of knowledge' Greetings Card
'"L'insurrection de l'Institut Amphibie." - la poursuite de la connaissance' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Mademoiselle, j'ai un corbeau monstrueux à plumer avec vous !!"' Carte de vœux
'"Miss, I have a monstrous crow to pluck with you!!"' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Monstruosités" de 1799, scène, carte de vœux des jardins de Kensington
'"Monstrosities" of 1799, - scene, Kensington Gardens' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'"Mush Fakers" and Ginger-Beer Makers' Greetings Card