'The French-Consular-Triumverate, settl'ing the new constitution' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Friendly Invitation' (George Hunter; James Hunter; Francis Anderson) Portrait Print
From £6.00
« Les funérailles du général Booth » Portrait imprimé
From £6.00
'The funeral of General Booth' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The funeral procession of Broad-bottom' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The funeral procession of Miss Regency' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Funeral Procession of the Late King Edward VII in Windsor Castle.' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Funerall of Sr. E.B. Godfree' (Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Gaols Committee of the House of Commons' Portrait Print
From £6.00
« Le rassemblement des chefs à Nairobi, colonie du Kenya » Portrait imprimé
From £6.00
'The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland - some prominent members' Portrait Print
From £6.00
« L'Assemblée générale de l'Église libre d'Écosse – quelques membres éminents » Portrait imprimé
From £6.00
'The genius of France triumphant, - or - Britannia petitioning for peace' Portrait Print
From £6.00
Impression de portrait « Les messieurs du jury Tichborne »
From £6.00
'The German dancing master' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The giant factotem amusing himself' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Gift of Tongues' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Girl in Black': Fontainebleau Concert (Unknown Woman) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The golden pippin' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Gordon-knot, - or - the bonny-duchess hunting the Bedfordshire bull' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Gracechurch Street Meeting' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The graces in a high wind' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Grand Sultan' Portrait Print
From £6.00
Impression de portrait « La Grande Sultane »
From £6.00
'Le Grand Viser, dans son habit de cérémonie' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The grand-signor retiring' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Great Event of 1908. The King Opening the Olympic Games' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Great Unknown' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The guardian-angel' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The Hampshire Hog, or the Victorious General retreating from his Position' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The hand-writing upon the wall' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The happy mother' Portrait Print
From £6.00
'The happy youth' Portrait Print
From £6.00