


'The French-Consular-Triumverate, settl'ing the new constitution' NPG D12719
'The French-Consular-Triumverate, settl'ing the new constitution' NPG D12719© National Portrait...

'The French-Consular-Triumverate, settl'ing the new constitution' Portrait Print

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'The Friendly Invitation' (George Hunter; James Hunter; Francis Anderson) NPG D16624
'The Friendly Invitation' (George Hunter; James Hunter; Francis Anderson) NPG...

'The Friendly Invitation' (George Hunter; James Hunter; Francis Anderson) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The funeral of General Booth' NPG x136615
'Les funérailles du général Booth' NPG x136615 © National...

« Les funérailles du général Booth » Portrait imprimé

From £6.00

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'The funeral of General Booth' NPG x136614
'The funeral of General Booth' NPG x136614© National Portrait Gallery,...

'The funeral of General Booth' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The funeral procession of Broad-bottom' NPG D13114
'The funeral procession of Broad-bottom' NPG D13114© National Portrait Gallery,...

'The funeral procession of Broad-bottom' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143968
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143968© National...

'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143966
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143966© National...

'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143969
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143969© National...

'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143967
'The Funeral Procession of King George V' NPG Ax143967© National...

'The Funeral Procession of King George V' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The funeral procession of Miss Regency' NPG D13053
'The funeral procession of Miss Regency' NPG D13053© National Portrait...

'The funeral procession of Miss Regency' Portrait Print

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'The Funeral Procession of the Late King Edward VII in Windsor Castle.' NPG x38524
'The Funeral Procession of the Late King Edward VII in...

'The Funeral Procession of the Late King Edward VII in Windsor Castle.' Portrait Print

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'The Funeral Procession of the Late King Edward VII. The Archbishops Receiving the Coffin at St George's Chapel, Windsor.' NPG x38523
'The Funerall of Sr. E.B. Godfree' (Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey) NPG D23014(l)
'The Funerall of Sr. E.B. Godfree' (Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey)...

'The Funerall of Sr. E.B. Godfree' (Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gaiety Girls' (Constance Collier; Lily Harold (née Lillie Nesta Morris Watkins) and an unknown actress) NPG x193116
'The Gaiety Girls' (Constance Collier; Lily Harold (née Lillie Nesta...

'The Gaiety Girls' (Constance Collier; Lily Harold (née Lillie Nesta Morris Watkins) and an unknown actress) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gaiety Girls' (Grace Palotta as Ethel Hawthorne; Florence Lloyd as Cissy Verner in 'A Gaiety Girl') NPG x193117
'The Gaiety Girls' (Grace Palotta as Ethel Hawthorne; Florence Lloyd...

'The Gaiety Girls' (Grace Palotta as Ethel Hawthorne; Florence Lloyd as Cissy Verner in 'A Gaiety Girl') Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gaols Committee of the House of Commons' NPG 926
'The Gaols Committee of the House of Commons' NPG 926©...

'The Gaols Committee of the House of Commons' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gathering of Chiefs at Nairobi, Kenya Colony' NPG D47246
"Le rassemblement des chefs à Nairobi, colonie du Kenya"...

« Le rassemblement des chefs à Nairobi, colonie du Kenya » Portrait imprimé

From £6.00

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'The generae of patriotism, - or - the Bloomsbury farmer, planting Bedfordshire wheat' NPG D12407
'The generae of patriotism, - or - the Bloomsbury farmer,...

'The generae of patriotism, - or - the Bloomsbury farmer, planting Bedfordshire wheat' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland - some prominent members' NPG D45899
'The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland -...

'The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland - some prominent members' Portrait Print

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'The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland - some prominent members' NPG D45898
"L'Assemblée générale de l'Église libre d'Écosse - quelques membres éminents"...

« L'Assemblée générale de l'Église libre d'Écosse – quelques membres éminents » Portrait imprimé

From £6.00

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'The genius of France triumphant, - or - Britannia petitioning for peace' NPG D12517
'The genius of France triumphant, - or - Britannia petitioning...

'The genius of France triumphant, - or - Britannia petitioning for peace' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gentlemen of the Tichborne Jury' NPG x135898
'Les messieurs du jury Tichborne' NPG x135898 ©...

Impression de portrait « Les messieurs du jury Tichborne »

From £6.00

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'The German dancing master' NPG D12303
'The German dancing master' NPG D12303© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby...

'The German dancing master' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The giant factotem amusing himself' NPG D12593
'The giant factotem amusing himself' NPG D12593© National Portrait Gallery,...

'The giant factotem amusing himself' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gift of Tongues' NPG D41103
'The Gift of Tongues' NPG D41103© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby...

'The Gift of Tongues' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Girl in Black': Fontainebleau Concert (Unknown Woman) NPG D43069
'The Girl in Black': Fontainebleau Concert (Unknown Woman) NPG D43069©...

'The Girl in Black': Fontainebleau Concert (Unknown Woman) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The golden pippin' NPG D12956
'The golden pippin' NPG D12956© National Portrait Gallery, Londonpossibly by...

'The golden pippin' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gordon-knot, - or - the bonny-duchess hunting the Bedfordshire bull' NPG D12610
'The Gordon-knot, - or - the bonny-duchess hunting the Bedfordshire...

'The Gordon-knot, - or - the bonny-duchess hunting the Bedfordshire bull' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The gout' NPG D12692
'The gout' NPG D12692© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James Gillray,...

'The gout' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Gracechurch Street Meeting' NPG Ax160495
'The Gracechurch Street Meeting' NPG Ax160495© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby...

'The Gracechurch Street Meeting' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The graces in a high wind' NPG D12947
'The graces in a high wind' NPG D12947© National Portrait...

'The graces in a high wind' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The grand coronation procession of Napoleone the 1st Emperor of France, from the church of Notre-Dame Decr 2d 1804' NPG D13109
'The Grand Sultan' NPG D12491
'The Grand Sultan' NPG D12491© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James...

'The Grand Sultan' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Grand Sultana' NPG D12497
'La Grande Sultane' NPG D12497 © National Portrait...

Impression de portrait « La Grande Sultane »

From £6.00

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'The Grand Viser, in his habit of ceremony' NPG D12496
'Le Grand Viser, dans son habit de cérémonie' NPG...

'Le Grand Viser, dans son habit de cérémonie' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The grand-signor retiring' NPG D13024
'The grand-signor retiring' NPG D13024© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James...

'The grand-signor retiring' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Great African Meeting. From a Sketch by a Native' (Sir Henry Morton Stanley; David Livingstone) NPG D48302
'The Great Event of 1908. The King Opening the Olympic Games' NPG x193081
'The Great Event of 1908. The King Opening the Olympic...

'The Great Event of 1908. The King Opening the Olympic Games' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Great Unknown and the Great Captain cutting up Napoleon the Great' (Sir Walter Scott, 1st Bt; Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington) NPG D48700
'The Great Unknown' NPG D41149
'The Great Unknown' NPG D41149© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby John...

'The Great Unknown' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) NPG x18034
'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) NPG x18034© National Portrait Gallery,...

'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) NPG x18067
'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) NPG x18067© National Portrait Gallery,...

'The Guardian Angel' (Hatty Campbell) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The guardian-angel' NPG D12842
'The guardian-angel' NPG D12842© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James Gillray,...

'The guardian-angel' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The Hampshire Green Bag Opened; Or, The Secret Spring of Ultra-Loyal Addresses, Discovered and Exposed.' NPG D48676
'The Hampshire Hog, or the Victorious General retreating from his Position' NPG D48678
'The Hampshire Hog, or the Victorious General retreating from his...

'The Hampshire Hog, or the Victorious General retreating from his Position' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The hand-writing upon the wall' NPG D12820
'The hand-writing upon the wall' NPG D12820© National Portrait Gallery,...

'The hand-writing upon the wall' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The happy mother' NPG D13058
'The happy mother' NPG D13058© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James...

'The happy mother' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'The happy youth' NPG D20118
'The happy youth' NPG D20118© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby and...

'The happy youth' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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