


'Pung and Bob' (Bob Gathorne-Hardy) NPG Ax141553
"Pung et Bob" (Bob Gathorne-Hardy) NPG Ax141553 ©...

Impression de portrait « Pung et Bob » (Bob Gathorne-Hardy)

From £6.00

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'Pungsie' NPG Ax141533
'Pungsie' NPG Ax141533© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby Lady Ottoline MorrellPatron...

'Pungsie' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Puppies' NPG Ax140511
'Chiots' NPG Ax140511 © National Portrait Gallery, Londres...

Impression portrait « Chiots »

From £6.00

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'Purify My Heart', also known as 'The Little Sisters' NPG x199972
'Purify My Heart', also known as 'The Little Sisters' NPG...

'Purify My Heart', also known as 'The Little Sisters' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Push-pin' (Mrs ('Mother') Windsor?; William Douglas, 4th Duke of Queensberry) NPG D12609
'Push-pin' (Mme ('Mère') Windsor ? ; William Douglas, 4e...

« Push-pin » (Mme (« Mère ») Windsor ? ; William Douglas, 4e duc de Queensberry) Portrait imprimé

From £6.00

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'Pylades and Orestes' (Nassalin; William V, Prince of Orange) NPG D12606
'Pylades and Orestes' (Nassalin; William V, Prince of Orange) NPG...

'Pylades and Orestes' (Nassalin; William V, Prince of Orange) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Quae Genus with a Portrait Painter' NPG D43331
'Quae Genus with a Portrait Painter' NPG D43331© National Portrait...

'Quae Genus with a Portrait Painter' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Quattro Canti, Palermo' NPG Ax143521
'Quattro Canti, Palermo' NPG Ax143521© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby Lady...

'Quattro Canti, Palermo' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Queen Mary quitting Stirling Castle' NPG D13136
'Queen Mary quitting Stirling Castle' NPG D13136© National Portrait Gallery,...

'Queen Mary quitting Stirling Castle' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Queen Victoria opening her seventh Parliament' (Queen Victoria) NPG D4429
'Queen Victoria opening her seventh Parliament' (Queen Victoria) NPG D4429©...

'Queen Victoria opening her seventh Parliament' (Queen Victoria) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Queen Victoria opening her seventh Parliament' (Queen Victoria) NPG D33639
'Queen Victoria opening her seventh Parliament' (Queen Victoria) NPG D33639©...

'Queen Victoria opening her seventh Parliament' (Queen Victoria) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Quenching a fire on a Rick' NPG Ax141973
'Quenching a fire on a Rick' NPG Ax141973© National Portrait...

'Quenching a fire on a Rick' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Quenching a fire on a Rick' NPG Ax141974
'Quenching a fire on a Rick' NPG Ax141974© National Portrait...

'Quenching a fire on a Rick' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Questions and commands; or, the mistaken road to He-r-f-rd; a Sunday evenings amusement' NPG D12372
'Questions and commands; or, the mistaken road to He-r-f-rd; a...

'Questions and commands; or, the mistaken road to He-r-f-rd; a Sunday evenings amusement' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Queue for Lenin's Mausoleum' NPG x134102
'Queue for Lenin's Mausoleum' NPG x134102© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby...

'Queue for Lenin's Mausoleum' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Qui color ater erat nunc est contrarius atro' NPG D9565
'Qui color ater erat nunc est contrarius atro' NPG D9565©...

'Qui color ater erat nunc est contrarius atro' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'R.L. Stevenson and the Cradle of his Song' (Robert Louis Stevenson) NPG x199275
'R.L. Stevenson and the Cradle of his Song' (Robert Louis...

'R.L. Stevenson and the Cradle of his Song' (Robert Louis Stevenson) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Radcliffe Camera' NPG Ax142265
'Radcliffe Camera' NPG Ax142265© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby Lady Ottoline...

'Radcliffe Camera' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Railway Arch, Port Hope, C.W., erected in honour of H.R.H. Prince of Wales' NPG x136866
'Railway Arch, Port Hope, C.W., erected in honour of H.R.H....

'Railway Arch, Port Hope, C.W., erected in honour of H.R.H. Prince of Wales' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Raising the Wind: 'Ome sweet 'ome' (Unknown man and children) NPG x198808
'Raising the Wind: 'Ome sweet 'ome' (Unknown man and children)...

'Raising the Wind: 'Ome sweet 'ome' (Unknown man and children) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Raw weather' NPG D12898
'Raw weather' NPG D12898© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James Gillray,...

'Raw weather' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Razor's levée, or ye heads of a new Whig ad...........n on a broad bottom' NPG D12233
'Razor's levée, or ye heads of a new Whig ad...........n...

'Razor's levée, or ye heads of a new Whig ad...........n on a broad bottom' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Rebecca at the well' NPG x44906
'Rebecca at the well' NPG x44906© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby...

'Rebecca at the well' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reception' (Unknown woman) NPG D43204
'Reception' (Unknown woman) NPG D43204© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby Fred...

'Reception' (Unknown woman) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Red River Train (en route)' NPG Ax68175
'Train de la rivière Rouge (en route)' NPG Ax68175...

« Train de la rivière Rouge (en route) » Impression portrait

From £6.00

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'Reddin Standing in ye Pillory' (Mr Reddin (Redding)) NPG D23013(c)
'Reddin Standing in ye Pillory' (Mr Reddin (Redding)) NPG D23013(c)©...

'Reddin Standing in ye Pillory' (Mr Reddin (Redding)) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Redding endeavouring to Corrupt Capt. Bedloe' (Mr Reddin (Redding); William Bedloe) NPG D23013(b)
'Redding endeavouring to Corrupt Capt. Bedloe' (Mr Reddin (Redding); William...

'Redding endeavouring to Corrupt Capt. Bedloe' (Mr Reddin (Redding); William Bedloe) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Regardez moi' NPG D12297
'Regardez moi' NPG D12297© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James GillrayIn...

'Regardez moi' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reign of King Henry VIII' (Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, Thomas Cranmer, John Fisher, Pope Clement VII (Giulio de' Medici), King Henry VIII, Reginald Pole) NPG D9467
'Reina' NPG Ax160105
'Reina' NPG Ax160105© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby WaleryWalery was the...

'Reina' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Remarkable characters at Mrs Cornely's [Cornelys's] Masquerade' NPG D14006
'Remarkable characters at Mrs Cornely's [Cornelys's] Masquerade' NPG D14006© National...

'Remarkable characters at Mrs Cornely's [Cornelys's] Masquerade' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Remembrance of past things' NPG x132357
'Remembrance of past things' NPG x132357© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby...

'Remembrance of past things' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Remorse' NPG D12341
'Remorse' NPG D12341© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby James Gillray, published...

'Remorse' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Repose' NPG D22019
'Repose' NPG D22019© National Portrait Gallery, Londonby Richard James Lane,...

'Repose' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Charles Braham' (Two unknown children) NPG Ax53306
'Reproduced by order of Charles Braham' (Two unknown children) NPG...

'Reproduced by order of Charles Braham' (Two unknown children) Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Colonel Novitzky' NPG Ax56295
'Reproduced by order of Colonel Novitzky' NPG Ax56295© National Portrait...

'Reproduced by order of Colonel Novitzky' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Count Pepoli' (Unknown man and girl) NPG Ax51079
'Reproduit sur ordre du comte Pepoli' (Homme et fille...

« Reproduit sur ordre du comte Pepoli » (homme et fille inconnus) Portrait imprimé

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Countess of Winchilsea' NPG Ax51039
'Reproduced by order of Countess of Winchilsea' NPG Ax51039© National...

'Reproduced by order of Countess of Winchilsea' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Lady Frances Waldegrave' NPG Ax55539
'Reproduced by order of Lady Frances Waldegrave' NPG Ax55539© National...

'Reproduced by order of Lady Frances Waldegrave' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Mr Boniface' NPG Ax56477
'Reproduced by order of Mr Boniface' NPG Ax56477© National Portrait...

'Reproduced by order of Mr Boniface' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Mr Postlethwaite' NPG Ax55384
'Reproduced by order of Mr Postlethwaite' NPG Ax55384© National Portrait...

'Reproduced by order of Mr Postlethwaite' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduced by order of Mrs Currie' NPG Ax56293
'Reproduced by order of Mrs Currie' NPG Ax56293© National Portrait...

'Reproduced by order of Mrs Currie' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproducion by order of Abraham' NPG Ax57334
'Reproducion by order of Abraham' NPG Ax57334© National Portrait Gallery,...

'Reproducion by order of Abraham' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduction by orde of Mr Bayley' NPG Ax59181
'Reproduction sur ordre de M. Bayley' NPG Ax59181 ...

'Reproduction sur ordre de M. Bayley' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduction by order of A. Price' NPG Ax56787
'Reproduction by order of A. Price' NPG Ax56787© National Portrait...

'Reproduction by order of A. Price' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduction by order of Alfred Underwood' NPG Ax59082
'Reproduction by order of Alfred Underwood' NPG Ax59082© National Portrait...

'Reproduction by order of Alfred Underwood' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduction by order of Arch. Hutchinson' NPG Ax56785
'Reproduction by order of Arch. Hutchinson' NPG Ax56785© National Portrait...

'Reproduction by order of Arch. Hutchinson' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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'Reproduction by order of Avierino' NPG Ax56629
'Reproduction by order of Avierino' NPG Ax56629© National Portrait Gallery,...

'Reproduction by order of Avierino' Portrait Print

From £6.00

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